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Chakra Activation Series

7 empowering routines to activate the 7 energy centres of the body, for deep healing and transformation!


$49.99 CAD

These expertly crafted routines are based on the iconic book, Anatomy of the Spirit, by legendary author Caroline Myss, PH.D where she takes the reader through a profound journey through the seven stages of power and healing.

In these 7 workouts, we’ll follow the same journey through the 7 Chakras as we embody the words and wisdom of Dr. Myss as interpreted by Alice - through movement, breath, intention, visualization and vocalization. From Root to Crown, we’ll move through each of the 7 energy centres as we activate their qualities within our own being and connect to the power therein.

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  • Root Chakra Activation

    Root Chakra Activation

    The importance of feeling safe, secure and at home in our lives is of utmost importance as the world rearranges itself around us. Belonging to a tribe of like minded souls who share our values and ethics is also essential and deeply comforting. In this routine, in order to cultivate this sense of safety, belonging and connection in our bodies, we’ll work on strengthening the supporting aspects of our own physical vessel such as the feet, legs, butt, base of spine, bones and immune system. We’ll also focus on our ability to stand up for ourselves as resourced, capable, grounded women with roots deeply planted in the wisdom of the Feminine, the grace of Gaia and the power of the collective. By the end of this routine you’ll feel safe, nourished, rooted and ready to stand your ground in any situation.

    Sacral Chakra Activation

    Sacral Chakra Activation

    Being empowered and feeling in control of our bodies and our lives is a basic human right. In this routine, we’ll enhance this sense of empowerment by consciously cultivating, activating and energizing our creative centre which lives in the hips, pelvis, belly and sexual organs. We’ll also focus on our ability to take responsibility for ourselves so we can manifest the abundance of resources, passion and presence we need to allow our inner sensual Goddess to flow in service of our own lives and of those around us. By the end of this routine you’ll feel empowered, creative, abundant and ready to create the life you desire and the confidence to make it happen with ease and flow.

    Solar Chakra Activation

    Solar Chakra Activation

    Having self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect are prerequisites for any woman who wants to heal, evolve and make the important decisions that will determine the course of her life. In this routine, we’ll achieve this empowered sense of self by connecting with our own personal code of honour and our own inner warrior queen who is capable of caring for herself and others. We’ll work on strengthening our inner thigh, deep core and mid back as we learn to trust our personal power and the power that lives in our physical form. By the end of this routine you’ll feel connected, confident, focused and ready to evolve into the beautiful, powerful woman you were born to be.

    Heart Chakra Activation

    Heart Chakra Activation

    Did you know that the heart produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body's organs?! If we can consciously tune into this energy field and intentionally direct it where it is needed, we can heal not only our own beings, but those around us who also need healing. In this day and age however, so many of us are holding so much trauma and pain in our heart centre that we have created a shield of protection around it. This shield can prevent love, forgiveness, compassion and hope from being expressed freely and can eventually cause the heart to lose it’s vitality and powerful energetic resonance. In order to free up some of this blocked energy of trauma and pain, we’ll focus on letting our guard down and creating a sense of flow and release through the shoulders, arms, chest and upper back. By the end of this routine you’ll feel clear, hopeful, healed and ready to open your heart in new and beautiful ways.

    Throat Chakra Activation

    Throat Chakra Activation

    As a sovereign Being creating your life with sacred intention and self awareness, one of the most important keys to your success is your ability to align with divine will. This is not about being subordinate to, or denying our own personal expression or power to create, it’s about supercharging it! In fact, ‘The Divine’ knows what path will make our life the most magical, beautiful and fulfilling and we need only listen to the whispers of our deepest soul speaking, to know what that path is. By tuning into our own unique voice and the message it carries, we find the courage to have faith and trust that the knowledge we seek is within our own divine beingness. In fact, our personal power can never be fully known unless we release all denial of the Self, step fully onto the path of our dreams and make all decisions in alignment with the will of the divine, which always has our back. By the end of this routine you’ll feel aware, aligned, expressed and ready to walk the path of beauty and wisdom that is laid before you.

    Third Eye Chakra Activation

    Third Eye Chakra Activation

    The importance of being connected to our own truth while remaining open to the ideas of others is essential in today’s growing climate of divisiveness and polarity. Being able to use our intellect like a laser to cut through the static and learn from our own lived experience is essential. We must also continue to strengthen our emotional intelligence and be able to self evaluate by remaining keenly aware of how our nervous system is responding to various situations and circumstances and how that may be different than what our eyes perceive. In this routine we’ll tap into our deepest felt truth while also tuning into the truth of the collective and we’ll focus on our ability to see the reality of our life and our world by amplifying the discerning power of the mind when it is informed by the intelligence of the body. By the end of this routine you’ll feel open, strong, calm and ready to see the truth within and all around you.

    Crown Chakra Activation

    Crown Chakra Activation

    Our ability to trust life, to see the larger picture and to have faith in a divine plan is becoming more and more important every day. Being in the present moment, especially one that can sometimes feel scary and challenging, calls forth our inner peaceful warrior to step forward with unwavering love and courage. In this routine we’ll tap into our deepest spiritual knowing and get clear on what we are truly devoted to in the here and now and also for our future. We’ll focus on stepping into our sacred sovereignty as powerful, embodied women and find the strength to walk a path that feels 100% in alignment with our values, ethics and deepest truth as a physical being and a cosmic queen! By the end of this routine you’ll feel present, courageous, sovereign and ready to create the path you wish to walk and the world you wish to inhabit.

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